1. Formal organisation is made under proper assigning of duties and delegation of authorities . Every employee under formal organisation is responsible for their works . But in informal organisation , no such delegation of authorities and assigning any duties but it made automatic and increase organisation culture .
2. Formal organisation is made under proper appointment of employee under recruitment , selection and training but informal organisation is made under good relation , talking in factory canteen , discussion free time in office .
3. Formal organisation is very necessary for business without this no co-ordination . But there is no necessity of any informal organisation .
4. Formal organisation sometime become burdens on head in the time of work overload but informal organisation reduces work overload burden .
2. Formal organisation is made under proper appointment of employee under recruitment , selection and training but informal organisation is made under good relation , talking in factory canteen , discussion free time in office .
3. Formal organisation is very necessary for business without this no co-ordination . But there is no necessity of any informal organisation .
4. Formal organisation sometime become burdens on head in the time of work overload but informal organisation reduces work overload burden .