After graduation , every person can do MBA . Large number of business schools , Different universities and Management Institute have opened for providing education to the candidates who want to do MBA . MBA can be done with two way . One is regular MBA and Other is through correspondence or distance MBA. If any students have done graduation in management field , means if he or she has done BBA , the MBA becomes so easy . But other fields students also doing hard work for getting admission for doing MBA . Approximate Top 250 B- Schools of India are providing MBA education . Students can choose one of best Institute out of them . I am here given Top 12 Institute of MBA where you can take your MBA .

- BADRUKA INSTITUTE OF FOREIGN TRADE HYDERABAD - CHAITANYA BHARATHI INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY HYDERABAD - Gian Jyoti Institute Of Management & Technology Mohali - Nirma University, Institute Of Management Ahmedabad - Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra - University Of Jammu, The Business School Mmu (Tawi) - Sikkim Manipal University Ranchi - Institute For Technology & Management Bangalore - Dept Of Commerce & Management Studies Malappuram - Iilm Business School Bhopal - Balaji Institute Of Management & Hrd Pune - International Management Institute New Delhi
Two year MBA programs are generally in existence . . Accelerated MBA programs are a variation of the two year programs. They involve a higher course load with more intense class and examination schedules. They usually have less "down time" during the program and between semesters. For example, there is no three to four month summer break, and between semesters there might be seven to ten days off rather than three to five weeks vacation.
Through Distance learning of MBA
The admission of private or through correspondence is also famous . Many students can get admission through distance learning programme of MBA .
Distance learning MBA programs catch classes without any regular campus . These programs can be proposal in a number of different formats: correspondence courses by postal mail or email, non-interactive broadcast video, pre-recorded video, live teleconference or video conference, offline or online computer courses. Many respectable schools offer these programs; however, so do many diploma mills. Potential students should check the school's accreditation before undertaking distance learning coursework. Many universities , these days operating distance learning certificate course of MBA .
Here I am giving Some universities where you can get MBA degree through correspondence study.
1. Indira Gandhi National Open University
Entrance Test 'OPENMAT-XXV': February 1, 2009Last date for receipt of request for prospectus by post is: December 20, 2008
Eligibility for Admission:
(1) Student must be Graduate in any discipline with 50% marks for general category and 45% for reserved category. Otherwise he will not eligible for doing MBA .
(2) Graduates who have successfully cleared the entrance test for admission into the management programme conducted by recognised institutions like CAT, MAT State level test conducted by State governments etc., need not sit for the OPENMAT Entrance Test. There is no age bar for any of the Programmes. Filled in form for Entrance Test 'OPENMAT-XXV' must reach the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi 110068, by Registered Post/Speed Post on or before 31st December, 2008.Application form and prospectus can also be downloaded from (the website: and sent alongwith a DD/IPO for Rs.550/- in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi by Registered / Speed Postto: Registrar (SED), Block-12, IGNOU, Maidan Garhi New Delhi-110068. Prospectus will be sent to such applicants after receipt of Rs.550/- as explained above.'Student handbook and prospectus for management programme, can be obtained from the Registrar (SED), IGNOU, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068 and from all the Regional Centres of IGNOU who addresses are given below by sending a sum of Rs.550/- through a DD/IPO in favour of IGNOU payable at New Delhi/cityof concerned Regional Centre or by paying Rs.500/- in cash at the respective sale counters.
Please writeyour name and address on the back of the DD/IPO.Indira Gandhi National Open University, Maidan Garhi, New Delhi-110068
2. Maharshi Dayanand University, RohtakDirectorate of Distance Education
Applications are invited for admission to following programmes (semester system/annual system) commencing from July 2008 through distance education mode:
(6) MBA (1st Semester) Two Year Course / MBA (3rd Semester - One Year) lateral entry
Admission Schedule: Normal Admission: 14.7.2008 to 4.9.2008With late fee of Rs.500: 5.9.2008 to 6.10.2008 / With late fee of Rs.1000: 7.10.2008 to 31.10.2008With late fee of Rs.1500: 1.11.2008 to 30.11.2008With late fee of Rs.2000: 1.12.2008 to 15.12.2008
Price of Prospectus: At Counter: For General: Rs.300 / For SC/BC of Haryana only: Rs.75By Registered Post: For General: Rs.350 / For SC/BC of Haryana only: Rs.125.Prospectus can be obtained from:
(1) Incharge, Publication Cell, Maharshi Dayanand University, RohtakPh. 274625.
(2) At Counter of DDE (Ph. 01262-279686).
(3) All the Study Centres (for detail of Study Centres visit:
(4) Prospectus/application form can also be obtained by logging in at MDU website: However, the form downloaded from the website must be accompanied with cost of prospectus given below.
(5) All the Study Centres are required to deal directly with the university.
(6) For enquiries: Contact the Dy. Registrar (DDE), M.D. University, Rohtak-124001. Phone: 01262-215574, 215573.
(7) Prospectus may also be obtained by Regd. Post through DD in favourof Finance Officer, MDU payable at Rohtak.
Other Universities Websites which is providing MBA - Distance education
Many students are also interested in admission in abroad . That is good but many problems for getting MBA education in foreign country . But , If you decide to do MBA in foreign country then , I am mentioning top Foreign universities which are providing MBA education.
- Arizona State UniversityW. P. Carey School of Business - MBA-Full-time Program
- Babson CollegeFranklin W. Olin Graduate School of Business - Two-Year MBA Program
- Boston CollegeThe Carroll School of Management
- Georgetown UniversityRobert Emmett McDonough School of Business
- The University of IowaHenry B. Tippie College of Business and School of Management - Henry B. Tippie School of Management
- University of British ColumbiaSauder School of Business
- University of Western OntarioRichard Ivey School of Business
- Simon Fraser UniversitySFU Business - Management of Technology MBA
- York UniversitySchulich School of Business
- University of RochesterWilliam E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration
Last but important point relating to your MBA admission , I want to tell what specialisation subject should choose in MBA . I think , it is dependent on your interest , all field are very important , we can not ignore MBA marketing , or MBA HR , if you are willing you must take your interested subjects .
Earning and status is dependent on your performance in any field of MBA . So
I wish best of Luck For your MBA admission .
See Also
- MBA - Finance Education Updates
- What can do the MBA student
- career opportunities for M.B.A. students
- To cover and to earn by becoming MBA - Finance